[go home]

* ♥ * societal stillborn * ♥ *

i'm the dog you left tied to a post outside the grocery store in winter
shivering and pleading for any stranger's affection
my voice straining against itself, wanting to make myself known
i stay out in the cold darkness while you get to go inside
greeted by aisles of treats, flourescent lights and friendly faces

maybe if i'm good enough you'll let me come in
if i show you that i can behave and obey the rules
maybe then i could have a treat, too

nobody wants to pet a dog that snarls and bites
so i quiet down and give you my best puppy eyes
will you come bring me a treat, now?

it's getting colder out here
i can see the stars in the night sky
and i think you must've forgotten all about me,
because the ice is starting to creep into my thoughts
turning them into an avalanche and burying my mind

i realize now that this is my place,
and that i will never get to follow you inside


* ♥ * roadkill * ♥ *

like i was a deer in headlights, you ran me over and left my entrails smeared in the aftermath of your love

at first i couldn't even tell that i'd died, because it didn't hurt

it didn't hurt when you kept me secret,
because it meant i was yours to keep

it didn't even hurt when you pushed me away,
because i thought i knew you wouldn't really let me go

then i watched you hit another deer
